The festival program for VIDEONALE.19 took place parallel to the entire exhibition period (31.03. — 14.05.2023), at Kunstmuseum Bonn and in the city. Starting point were the works of the exhibition at the interface to relevant social issues. In the exhibition and at specially designed locations, the works of the V.19 and their themes were brought into dialogue and together we reflected on how we want to integrate the issues into our lives. We moved from the museum spaces in the Kunstmuseum Bonn into the city and in the midst of the exhibition architecture, we you and various guests joined the conversation. The focus was always on one thing: video art and the shared feelings, experiences and reflections it evokes.
Opening VIDEONALE.19
We cordially invite you and you to the opening of VIDEONALE.19 on Thursday, March 30, 2023
from 6 pm to midnight.
7pm Opening speeches and awarding of the Videonale Prize by Fluentum.
8pm DJ set by Monita Wagma

Opening day 1: Something is at stake
The 27 works of VIDEONALE.19 address themes of contemporary relevance in diverse and complex artistic narratives. Through their content, they become advocates of marginalized perspectives, giving them voice and visibility. And we are ready to explore that further: What does it mean to be an artistic and curatorial advocate for personal concerns and those of others? How does this influence the artistic process, the choice of themes, and other artistic decisions? We also ask: What does advocacy mean for the (curatorial) decisions of festival makers, curators, and collectors? Full program here!
Somewhere between Solitude and Community.
Performative staging
collective mourning on the ground
of the Viktoriabad
by Samuel Hertz and Layton Lachman
Performers: Layton Lachman, Samuel Hertz, emeka ene, Caroline
Neill Alexander, Dani Paiva de Miranda.
Even as apocalypses bloom around us, we dance non-stop and launch into an earth shattering drone-metal concert, howling at the end of the world. DOOM is a collective, cathartic grieving for the dooms which for some have already arrived, and the dooms with which others are just now beginning to contend. In the face of ongoing destruction, "let's start," science fiction author N. K. Jemisin writes, "with the end of the world, why don't we?"
No registration needed / Free Entry / The number of participants is limited

DJ-Set Alisa Berger
We will let the first opening day of VIDEONALE.19 come to an end at Café Blau! Everyone is invited, while DJ Alisa Berger will be spinning on site.
Alisa Berger is a filmmaker and artist born in Dagestan raised in Ukraine and Germany, currently based in Tokyo.
Her love for music brought her from curating events to playing music herself. Since 2020 Alisa hosts her radio show "Tripping" on dublab.de and curates podcasts for Vinyl Delivery Service Tokyo and London.
No registration needed / Free Entry

Opening day 2: Do we still trust in art?
As an expression of indomitable individuality, art has the potential to change society. This is beyond question for us. It is not without reason that it is at the top of the list of enemies of the state in autocratic systems. What is the state of how we deal with art here in Europe, in Germany and in NRW? And we would like to look at the way we present art, when we bring it into conversation (and when not) and who we reach (or not). Can we figure this out? Full program here
Good bread doesn't need butter? We want both regardless! And great conversations at the foot of the stairs in the foyer - just before we'll visit the exhibition together.
No registration needed / Exhibition ticket required
by and with Antonia Baehr & Jule Flierl (V.19Artists)
The term "Tontänze" comes from Valeska Gert. “Tontanz“describes the movement of voice in the body and thus departs from the cliché of the silent dancer. V.19 artists Jule Flierl and Antonia Baehr take up this conceptual term, which opens up new forms of relationship between body, dance and voice in this selection.
Jule Flierl and Antonia Baehr got to know each other through the transmission of a score. When Antonia Baehr sent Jule Flierl the score to Antonia Baehr's piece 'MY DOG IS MY PIANO', the two began a reflection and practice in the interstice between written instructions and artistic processes.
→ Without registration | Admission is free.

with Rrangwane and donna Kukama
»Why are you still here?«: Directly the viewers are addressed in the work ›MOSAMO (ancestral alterations)‹ by V.19 artist Rrangwane. We watch a selection of the 7 chapters of ›MOSAMO‹ and talk about artistic creation in the context of the (after)effects of colonialism, the influence of ancestral spirits and healing with Rrangwane and donna Kukama (artist and professor at KHM, Cologne).
Event language: English

Guided tour through the exhibition with Tasja Langenbach (Artistic Director V.19), meeting point: Videonale Kiosk in the foyer
Without registration | Museum admission applies
Together with exhibition architect Ruth Lorenz of maaskant Berlin, an independent scenography and atmosphere was developed for the VIDEONALE.19. Together with Ruth Lorenz we will go into the exhibition to learn more about the subtleties of the exhibition architecture.
Without registration | Museum admission applies
During the Easter vacations (Tue, 04.04. - Sat, 15.04.2023, also Good Friday and Easter Monday) we show
a children's program with animated short films for children aged 4 to 8 and their adult companions from 2 - 5 pm. The film selection was made in cooperation with Mo&Friese - Youth Short Film Festival Hamburg. Headphones are available free of charge at the Videonale Circus.
with Julian Quentin, Mel Bialas and Anbid Zaman.
Hidden beneath the Kreuzkirche in Bonn is a WW2 bunker that is the site of the screening of Julian Quentin's experimental film ›Territory‹. Based on biographical narratives of gender travelers, Quentin takes us into a world of inner images and we discuss what we need to become who we are.
Event language: German

mit Pol Merchan
Nazario, artist and protagonist of ›EL JARDÍN DE LOS FAUNOS‹ by V.19 artist Pol Merchan, published the first of his homoerotic comics at the margins of the censorship of the Franco dictatorship. The film focuses on the artistic work of the now almost 80-year-old and desire and relationship despite socio-political repression. The Screening is followed by a talk with the Pol Merchan.
Event language: German

The event series ART ABEND - IM FOKUS of Kunstmuseum Bonn, supported by the Freunde des Kunstmuseums e.V., is aimed exclusively at students and young adults. It provides insight into working methods of the exhibition business. This evening, VIDEONALE.19 is the focus.
After a discussion with the V.19 festival organizers Tasja Langenbach and Annette
Ziegert, there will be the opportunity to participate in short guided tours.
with Stéphanie Lagarde
From the perspective of an elevator, ›MINIMAL SWAY WHILE STARTING MY WAY UP‹ by Stéphanie Lagarde takes us to the heights of a megatower. A change of direction leads to extreme depths, down into the tunnels of a mine. We show the experimental short film and talk about the desire for vertical space conquest - and its consequences. Afterwards: Drinks at the Sky Bar.
Event language: Englisch

Carlos Irijalba's work ›HALF WET‹ draws a dystopian future (Or already present?) in which the oceans off Oaxaca (Mexico) are acidified and tourist paradises are deserted. Although the pools off the coast have been abandoned, the protagonist repeats the purification ritual of his ancestors. What is already reality? That's what youths from the Karl Simrock School ask in conversation with artist Carlos Irijalba.
Event language: German

with Will Fredo, Leo Galileo and Misal Adnan Yıldız
In ›SHTV: EL ÚLTIMO TOUR DEL MUNDO‹ Will Fredo accompanies human rights lawyer and porn actor Leo Galileo. We show clips of the film and discuss with Will Fredo (V.19 artist:in), Leo Galileo and Misal Adnan
Yıldız (director of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden) how sex workers use the internet to renegotiate their relationship to society.
Event language: English

Colorful haze in the White Cube - Dynamics of bodies and moving image in space.
Workshop with Ruth Lorenz from maaskant Berlin, exhibition architect of VIDEONALE.19
Exhibitions are communicative organisms that communicate, give impulses, breathe. Exhibition architecture as the body of this organism creates spatial images that can be sensually experienced. The space tells a story, and as visitors we move through it and enter into a dialogue.
In the workshop we will examine the anatomy of the Videonale exhibition and the surrounding museum space. We will explore the question of how exhibitions become living places for dialogues and new museum actions.
A workshop for students and anyone interested; no previous experience necessary.
Sign up no later than April 28 to Riccarda Hessling, hessling@videonale.org

with Isabell Spengler in conversation with Elke Kania
A duet. Silent eye contact. Deployment. Artists Werner Hirsch (Antonia Baehr) and Jule Flierl meet in a visual installation, surrounded by an audience and a camera, guided by Bernadette Paassen, directed by Isabell Spengler. About how spatiotemporal presence of performance can unfold through the medium of film, we talk with Isabell Spengler.
Event language: German

V.19 artist Kent Chan's ›HEAT WAVES‹ is a maelstrom of Western ideas about the tropics as a place of paradisiacal longing and a plaything of exploitation. Young people of Amos-Comenius-Gymnasium, together with Laura Bechert and Dodo, the authors of »Climate Crisis and Colonialism. Over 500 Years of Resistance« try to better understand the effects of the climate crisis and its interconnections with colonialism.
Event language: German

with Ji Su Kang-Gatto
Have you ever slid into anyone's DMs? If not, you get a chance with us: you can communicate with V.19 artist Ji Su Kang-Gatto about her work ›VLOG #8998 |KOREAN CARROT COOKING & OUR MAKEUP ROUTINE‹. She will ask you questions. And you? Tell us.
Sliding into the DMs is a colloquial term for posting a private message on a social media platform.
Event language: German

14:30 Uhr
15 - 18 UHR
15.30 UHR
Thu, 30.03.2023
We cordially invite you and you to the opening of VIDEONALE.19 on Thursday, March 30, 2023
from 6 pm to midnight.
7pm Opening speeches and awarding of the Videonale Prize by Fluentum.
8pm DJ set by Monita Wagma

Fri, 31.03.2023
Opening day 1: Something is at stake
The 27 works of VIDEONALE.19 address themes of contemporary relevance in diverse and complex artistic narratives. Through their content, they become advocates of marginalized perspectives, giving them voice and visibility. And we are ready to explore that further: What does it mean to be an artistic and curatorial advocate for personal concerns and those of others? How does this influence the artistic process, the choice of themes, and other artistic decisions? We also ask: What does advocacy mean for the (curatorial) decisions of festival makers, curators, and collectors? Full program here!
Fri, 31.03.2023
Somewhere between Solitude and Community.
Performative staging
collective mourning on the ground
of the Viktoriabad
by Samuel Hertz and Layton Lachman
Performers: Layton Lachman, Samuel Hertz, emeka ene, Caroline
Neill Alexander, Dani Paiva de Miranda.
Even as apocalypses bloom around us, we dance non-stop and launch into an earth shattering drone-metal concert, howling at the end of the world. DOOM is a collective, cathartic grieving for the dooms which for some have already arrived, and the dooms with which others are just now beginning to contend. In the face of ongoing destruction, "let's start," science fiction author N. K. Jemisin writes, "with the end of the world, why don't we?"
No registration needed / Free Entry / The number of participants is limited

Fri, 31.03.2023
We will let the first opening day of VIDEONALE.19 come to an end at Café Blau! Everyone is invited, while DJ Alisa Berger will be spinning on site.
Alisa Berger is a filmmaker and artist born in Dagestan raised in Ukraine and Germany, currently based in Tokyo.
Her love for music brought her from curating events to playing music herself. Since 2020 Alisa hosts her radio show "Tripping" on dublab.de and curates podcasts for Vinyl Delivery Service Tokyo and London.
No registration needed / Free Entry

Sat, 01.04.2023
Opening day 2: Do we still trust in art?
As an expression of indomitable individuality, art has the potential to change society. This is beyond question for us. It is not without reason that it is at the top of the list of enemies of the state in autocratic systems. What is the state of how we deal with art here in Europe, in Germany and in NRW? And we would like to look at the way we present art, when we bring it into conversation (and when not) and who we reach (or not). Can we figure this out? Full program here
Sat, 01.04.2023
Good bread doesn't need butter? We want both regardless! And great conversations at the foot of the stairs in the foyer - just before we'll visit the exhibition together.
No registration needed / Exhibition ticket required
Sat, 01.04.2023
by and with Antonia Baehr & Jule Flierl (V.19Artists)
The term "Tontänze" comes from Valeska Gert. “Tontanz“describes the movement of voice in the body and thus departs from the cliché of the silent dancer. V.19 artists Jule Flierl and Antonia Baehr take up this conceptual term, which opens up new forms of relationship between body, dance and voice in this selection.
Jule Flierl and Antonia Baehr got to know each other through the transmission of a score. When Antonia Baehr sent Jule Flierl the score to Antonia Baehr's piece 'MY DOG IS MY PIANO', the two began a reflection and practice in the interstice between written instructions and artistic processes.
→ Without registration | Admission is free.

Sun, 02.04.2023
with Rrangwane and donna Kukama
»Why are you still here?«: Directly the viewers are addressed in the work ›MOSAMO (ancestral alterations)‹ by V.19 artist Rrangwane. We watch a selection of the 7 chapters of ›MOSAMO‹ and talk about artistic creation in the context of the (after)effects of colonialism, the influence of ancestral spirits and healing with Rrangwane and donna Kukama (artist and professor at KHM, Cologne).
Event language: English

Sun, 02.04.2023
Guided tour through the exhibition with Tasja Langenbach (Artistic Director V.19), meeting point: Videonale Kiosk in the foyer
Without registration | Museum admission applies
Sun, 02.04.2023
Together with exhibition architect Ruth Lorenz of maaskant Berlin, an independent scenography and atmosphere was developed for the VIDEONALE.19. Together with Ruth Lorenz we will go into the exhibition to learn more about the subtleties of the exhibition architecture.
Without registration | Museum admission applies
Tue, 04.04.2023
During the Easter vacations (Tue, 04.04. - Sat, 15.04.2023, also Good Friday and Easter Monday) we show
a children's program with animated short films for children aged 4 to 8 and their adult companions from 2 - 5 pm. The film selection was made in cooperation with Mo&Friese - Youth Short Film Festival Hamburg. Headphones are available free of charge at the Videonale Circus.
Sat, 15.04.2023
with Julian Quentin, Mel Bialas and Anbid Zaman.
Hidden beneath the Kreuzkirche in Bonn is a WW2 bunker that is the site of the screening of Julian Quentin's experimental film ›Territory‹. Based on biographical narratives of gender travelers, Quentin takes us into a world of inner images and we discuss what we need to become who we are.
Event language: German

Tue, 18.04.2023
mit Pol Merchan
Nazario, artist and protagonist of ›EL JARDÍN DE LOS FAUNOS‹ by V.19 artist Pol Merchan, published the first of his homoerotic comics at the margins of the censorship of the Franco dictatorship. The film focuses on the artistic work of the now almost 80-year-old and desire and relationship despite socio-political repression. The Screening is followed by a talk with the Pol Merchan.
Event language: German

Wed, 19.04.2023
The event series ART ABEND - IM FOKUS of Kunstmuseum Bonn, supported by the Freunde des Kunstmuseums e.V., is aimed exclusively at students and young adults. It provides insight into working methods of the exhibition business. This evening, VIDEONALE.19 is the focus.
After a discussion with the V.19 festival organizers Tasja Langenbach and Annette
Ziegert, there will be the opportunity to participate in short guided tours.
Fri, 21.04.2023
with Stéphanie Lagarde
From the perspective of an elevator, ›MINIMAL SWAY WHILE STARTING MY WAY UP‹ by Stéphanie Lagarde takes us to the heights of a megatower. A change of direction leads to extreme depths, down into the tunnels of a mine. We show the experimental short film and talk about the desire for vertical space conquest - and its consequences. Afterwards: Drinks at the Sky Bar.
Event language: Englisch

Wed, 26.04.2023
Carlos Irijalba's work ›HALF WET‹ draws a dystopian future (Or already present?) in which the oceans off Oaxaca (Mexico) are acidified and tourist paradises are deserted. Although the pools off the coast have been abandoned, the protagonist repeats the purification ritual of his ancestors. What is already reality? That's what youths from the Karl Simrock School ask in conversation with artist Carlos Irijalba.
Event language: German

Wed, 03.05.2023
with Will Fredo, Leo Galileo and Misal Adnan Yıldız
In ›SHTV: EL ÚLTIMO TOUR DEL MUNDO‹ Will Fredo accompanies human rights lawyer and porn actor Leo Galileo. We show clips of the film and discuss with Will Fredo (V.19 artist:in), Leo Galileo and Misal Adnan
Yıldız (director of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden) how sex workers use the internet to renegotiate their relationship to society.
Event language: English

Sat, 06.05.2023
Colorful haze in the White Cube - Dynamics of bodies and moving image in space.
Workshop with Ruth Lorenz from maaskant Berlin, exhibition architect of VIDEONALE.19
Exhibitions are communicative organisms that communicate, give impulses, breathe. Exhibition architecture as the body of this organism creates spatial images that can be sensually experienced. The space tells a story, and as visitors we move through it and enter into a dialogue.
In the workshop we will examine the anatomy of the Videonale exhibition and the surrounding museum space. We will explore the question of how exhibitions become living places for dialogues and new museum actions.
A workshop for students and anyone interested; no previous experience necessary.
Sign up no later than April 28 to Riccarda Hessling, hessling@videonale.org

Sat, 06.05.2023
with Isabell Spengler in conversation with Elke Kania
A duet. Silent eye contact. Deployment. Artists Werner Hirsch (Antonia Baehr) and Jule Flierl meet in a visual installation, surrounded by an audience and a camera, guided by Bernadette Paassen, directed by Isabell Spengler. About how spatiotemporal presence of performance can unfold through the medium of film, we talk with Isabell Spengler.
Event language: German

Sun, 07.05.2023
V.19 artist Kent Chan's ›HEAT WAVES‹ is a maelstrom of Western ideas about the tropics as a place of paradisiacal longing and a plaything of exploitation. Young people of Amos-Comenius-Gymnasium, together with Laura Bechert and Dodo, the authors of »Climate Crisis and Colonialism. Over 500 Years of Resistance« try to better understand the effects of the climate crisis and its interconnections with colonialism.
Event language: German

Wed, 10.05.2023
with Ji Su Kang-Gatto
Have you ever slid into anyone's DMs? If not, you get a chance with us: you can communicate with V.19 artist Ji Su Kang-Gatto about her work ›VLOG #8998 |KOREAN CARROT COOKING & OUR MAKEUP ROUTINE‹. She will ask you questions. And you? Tell us.
Sliding into the DMs is a colloquial term for posting a private message on a social media platform.
Event language: German

Sun, 14.05.2023
14:30 Uhr
15 - 18 UHR
15.30 UHR
During the Opening Days of the festival, we had the pleasure of welcoming artists, curators, festival makers, collectors, and scholars in Bonn for a variety of formats, including speed dating, networking lunches, round tables and think tanks. What does this mean?
Dialogue and encounters, discussions and impulses, new faces and friendships, and art in all its glory.
→ Find out more

The Satellites of VIDEONALE.19 outside the museum and in the city led high up to the 30th floor of the Posttower, to the abandoned Viktoriabad, to the bunker under the Kreuzkirche in Bonn, to the club bar King Georg in Cologne and to the stage of the Theater im Ballsaal.
For each of the locations, we selected individual works from V.19 to show and bring into conversation in a new yet approachable context.
→ Find out more
Who talks about art? In most cases, it is critics, scientists, curators, and above all: adults. But the topics that are dealt with in art concern everyone! Regardless of age!
At this year's Videonale in the program of the Young Forum we approached art from a younger perspective. And especially for Easter break, we selected the short film program The Yellow of the Egg for children aged 4 to 8 years and their adult companions.
→ Find out more

Last autumn, way ahead of the officially opening, we took you along to join us at the prologue of VIDEONALE.19. We were able to start the dialogue, enjoy video art and prepare ourselves for V.19. In WHAT WE ASK OURSELVES we took a self-critical look behind the scenes of festival culture in the context of art and culture.
And at SOMETHING WITH NOODLES we watched video works from the upcoming Videonale edition together and talked about them. Oh, yes: there were also noodles – prepared by the team.

Kunstmuseum Bonn | Helmut-Kohl-Allee 2, 53113 Bonn The museum is the place where the V.19 exhibition and the festival program meet in the foyer, the exhibition and the Videonale Circus.
Viktoriabad | Franziskanerstr. 9, 53113 Bonn The city's first indoor swimming pool has been empty for a long time. Today, past and present meet anew surrounded by blue tiles and colorful art glass windows.
Café Blau | Franziskanerstr. 9, 53113 Bonn Café Blau represents the student life of the city in the heart of Bonn: You've either worked here yourself or know the café as a central meeting place for everyone.

KING GEORG | Sudermanstr. 2, 50670 Cologne The Cologne-based club and jazz bar King Georg, which opened in 1968, was - despite an enduring myth - never a table dance bar. But what you can find there until today: Diverse culture and danced-through nights.
Theater im Ballsaal | Frongasse 9, 53121 Bonn Empty for some time, the former ballroom reopened in the 1990s through public engagement. Since that time, the theater has existed as the only independent theater house in Bonn.
Kreuzbunker | Platz der evangelischen Kirche, 53113 Bonn Hidden under the Kreuzkirche is a bunker from World War 2 in the middle of Bonn. The sheltering space is the location of the screening of Julian Quentin's experimental film 'Territory'.

Post Tower | Platz der Deutschen Post,
53113 Bonn 162 meters high, the Post Tower rises from the federal district. The modern architecture impressively combines steel, glass and modern technology, connected by 12 high-speed elevators.